Violence Prevention & Advocacy

Our mission

The Violence Prevention & Advocacy Program leads the efforts of UW Bothell and Cascadia College to create a community that is free of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, sexual harassment, and other related experiences. Our prevention work is focused on addressing root causes of harm and collaborating with our community to create a culture of consent, respect, and healthy relationships. Our survivor advocacy work seeks to create space, community, and support for people directly and indirectly impacted by violence and harassment. To all survivors within our community: we see you, and we believe you.

We envision a UW Bothell and Cascadia College community free of violence and harassment. We strive for a community grounded in respect, support, and social justice.

Where is the VPA located?

We are located in UW1 080 on the bottom level and the entrance says, “Counseling Center & Student Affairs.” For appointments, enter through the Counseling Center entrance and provide your name to the front desk.

Confidential advocacy

Whether you’re seeking support for yourself, or on behalf of someone else, there are many campus and community resources that are available. You deserve support and care. Click here to learn more about our advocacy services.

Link to Calendly booking system for the VPA.

Prevention on campus

We all have a role to play to create a campus free of violence. There are big and small steps we can take every day to end sexual and relationship violence on our campus.

Click here to explore ways to get involved in our violence prevention initiatives.

Looking for additional wellness resources? The counseling center offers mental health services and resources, and the Health and Wellness Resource Center (HaWRC) offers community resources: