Education & Society
Welcome to the Education & Society community!
Majors represented in the Education & Society area of study identify, assess, and analyze human experiences and cultural values to understand societal behaviors, structures, issues, and practices. Academic and other learning experiences related to this meta-major generally enhance students’ abilities for inter cultural communication and analytical thinking, and increases their skills in critical thinking, analysis, and complex problem solving.
Explore and compare Majors
Side-by-side comparisons of different majors in the Education & Society Meta-Major
Majors are not listed in any particular order.
- What are the prerequisites? refers to courses students must complete to be admitted into the major.
- Where can I learn more? provides a link to the major’s program page on our website.
- Please contact your current advisor with questions and for more details on admission requirements for that major.
Plan your courses with degree maps
The following majors are related to the Education & Society Meta-Major Pathway; each can offer a unique lens. The first link will direct you to the degree web pages to learn more about the major and the second will download a PDF of the Degree Map for that major.
Consult with academic advisors to learn more about each major and degree map:
- Psychology website | Degree Map (PDF) | Career Preparation Map
- Educational Studies website | Degree Map (PDF) | Career Preparation Map
- Educational Studies-Elementary Education Option website |Degree Map (PDF) | Career Preparation Map
- American & Ethnic Studies website | Degree Map (PDF) |Career Preparation Map
- Gender, Women, & Sexuality Studies website | Degree Map (PDF) | Career Preparation Map
- Society, Ethics & Human Behavior website | Degree Map (PDF) | Career Preparation Map
Careers related to this meta-major pathway
To learn more about careers related to Education & Society, watch this video.
Below are examples of possible employment opportunities, related careers, and potential graduate programs for students interested in Education and Society. Also listed are companies that have hired UW Bothell students. For more specific examples, please visit the individual degree co-curricular map.
Examples gathered by Career Services of recent UW Bothell graduates.
- Human Resources
- K-12 & Higher Education
- Government
- Research
- Social Services
- Business
- Counseling
- Teaching
- Human Resources
- Data Analysis
- Public Policy
- Management
- AmeriCorps
- Seattle Public Schools
- Multicare Health
- College Success Foundation
- City of Seattle
- Washington Department of Corrections
- Master’s in Policy Studies
- Master’s of Education
- Master’s of Counseling
- Master’s in Library and Information Science
- Master’s in Social Work
- Master’s in Student Development
Explore internships
Wondering if you should do an internship? Want to figure out where to search for or even create one?
Create your profile on handshake. You can look for jobs and internships and learn more about career events.
Review Career Services internship page for plenty of information and steps to take. Make an appointment with a Career Coach to explore internship opportunities and develop an internship search action plan.
Examples of internships
- Community Organizing Intern
- Teaching Assistant
- Counseling Intern
- Economic Empowerment Intern
- Student & Community Outreach Specialist
- Program Administrator Assistant
Get involved
Join student organizations related to your area of interest. You’ll make friends who have similar interests while building skills working on your passions!
There are many ways to get involved on campus, such as connecting with campus organizations, student government, and co-curricular activities. To begin exploring, visit the Student Engagement & Activities website.
Explore community engaged learning & research
Many UW Bothell programs offer opportunities for community engaged learning and undergraduate research. The Office of Community-Based Learning & Research (CBLR) has many student-specific resources available, from FAQs about CBLR courses to volunteer, internship, and scholarship information.
- Visit UW Bothell’s Community Engaged Learning page to learn more.
- Visit UW Bothell’s Undergraduate Research & Creative Practice page to learn more about current research opportunities.
Study abroad opportunities
Study abroad programs can deepen your understanding of how Education and Society can impact the lives of people around the world.
Visit UW Bothell’s study abroad page, managed by the Office of Global Initiatives, to learn more and start the planning process.