Community Partners and Students Benefit from Working Together on Clinical Problems

Are you interested in learning about the current scientific evidence to manage a clinical problem? An essential component of our RN to BSN research courses (BNURS 360 & 460) is having students work with community partners to identify a researchable question that students will answer by searching, appraising, and synthesizing the scientific literature. Students complete this work over two quarters and develop a practice change implementation and evaluation plan presented to community partners at the end of the BNURS 460 course. Having a real-life context for a clinical question and problem-solving is engaging for everyone. Ideally, what the students produce is extremely helpful to partners, and they do great work.  

We aim to keep student groups small (4-5 students/group), so we always need community partners. Community partners meet once with students by Zoom, answer questions by email throughout the two quarters, and are encouraged to attend the students’ presentations. If you have questions or want to be a community partner for the 2024 fall/2025 winter quarters, please contact Dr. Linda Eaton (