Mary Gates Research Scholarships – 2021 Winter Awards

Mary Gates Research Scholarships are competitive scholarships intended to enhance the educational experiences of undergraduate students at the University of Washington while they are engaged in research guided by faculty. Congratulations to the three Bothell Students who received Mary Gates Research Scholarships for the Winter 2022 quarter.

August 25, 2022

Study Abroad: A trip that I loved and hated equally – in Spain w/ Jaya Ravi

Jaya Ravi believed that challenging herself to engage in the study program through Global Initiatives was worth the risk. She reflected on how the Spanish’s focus on life defined their characteristics and activities. Spending a part of your university experience abroad will expand your understanding of the world and help you develop global skills –...

August 24, 2022

It’s possible for first-generation students to study abroad – w/ Rahwa Gebretsadikan in Spain

Nothing is easy as the first person to apply for the study abroad program in the family, Rahwa Gebretsadikan was aware of and familiar with this situation. Joining the program under Global Initiatives to Spain encourages her to share this precious opportunity with other first-generation students on campus.

August 22, 2022

Writing in Rome – The Balance of Studies and Adventure – w/ Alex Sineev

Attending the study abroad program with other Global Initiatives students changed Alex Sineev’s mindset between work and entertainment. He gained so much knowledge and ideas on writing that motivated him to learn deeper and further.

August 15, 2022

Your first day (or two) in Iceland – w/ Patrick McKinnion

It never came through Patrick McKinnion’s mind that studying abroad is an effortless thing; however, his University Exchange study abroad trip to Iceland reminded him how intense living and studying in a foreign country can be. He realized that applying and gathering documentation is critically essential for starting life in Reykjavik. Spending a part of...

August 14, 2022

Marine protected areas are key to actualize conservation vision

New research published in Frontiers in Marine Science indicates that while the size of marine protected areas is important for marine megafauna to thrive, “Placement and design are critical for effectiveness,” says Dr. Sara Maxwell, associate professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences and principal investigator for the study.

July 25, 2022