Exploring human health through biotechnology

Biotechnology is revolutionizing health care, and University of Washington Bothell researchers are advancing what we know. Five of them share their work at Campus Research Connections.

November 7, 2022

UW Bothell’s community engagement certified

The Carnegie Foundation has recognized the University of Washington Bothell for its community engagement — collaborations with outside partners that lead to the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources.

November 7, 2022

When School Districts Let Families Choose – by Robin Lake

This paper, by Robin Lake, director of the Center on Reinventing Public Education, examines in-district and across-district school choice opportunities and provides recommendations to maximize their effectiveness and access for students most in need of options.

November 7, 2022

Assessing student learning loss from coronavirus

UW Bothell's Center on Reinventing Public Education says diagnostic assessments with a clear purpose can be an essential tool for public schools in helping students recover from learning loss, Education Dive reports.

November 7, 2022

Mask’s fit more important than fabric

When deciding on a face mask, fit is more important than fabric, says Dan Jaffe, a professor of environmental chemistry who is testing how well different masks filter particles from the air.

November 7, 2022

Artificial intelligence turned against COVID-19

A team led by Assistant Professor Dong Si is turning the power of artificial intelligence against the COVID-19 coronavirus with a new software tool that could help design vaccines and drugs.

November 7, 2022

Professional development integrating art, STEM

Education researchers at the University of Washington Bothell are helping lead a project that fosters teaching K12 students to integrate science and art. Through this integration, researchers aim to broaden the participation of students in science, technology, engineering and math.

November 7, 2022

Using AI to trace deep secrets of COVID-19

A UW Bothell computer science research team developed an artificial intelligence program called DeepTracer to model the atomic structure of the COVID-19 coronavirus, KIRO-TV reports.

November 7, 2022

Who controls data matters more than ever

Carrie Tzou, associate professor in the School of Educational Studies and recipient of the 2020 Distinguished Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Award tells UW Bothell Magazine, “The need for scientific and data literacy is more important than ever.”

November 7, 2022