Bicycling and Pedestrian Access

Rules and Safety

Bicyclists at the UW Bothell share the campus with pedestrians, buses, and cars. To stay safe, follow these basic rules of the road:

  • Pedestrians always have the right of way.
  • Always yield to slower moving traffic.
  • Obey all traffic laws.
  • Dismount and walk your bike in any Bike Walk Zone and/or crowded pedestrian areas.
  • Minimize your impact by staying off lawns and landscaped areas.
  • Park and lock your bike only at designated bike racks.
  • Follow all City and State regulations, as well as UW-specific bike guidelines.

To learn more:

Washington State Bicycling Laws

WSDOT Safety Tips

Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute

Bothell City Wide Bicycle Plan

Burke-Gilman and Sammamish River Trail access

Direct access between the Sammamish River Trail and the campus is available via the Burke-Gilman Trail (connecting the Sammamish River Trail, along SR 522, to the North Creek Trail, along North Creek east of I-405). The Sammamish River Trail provides regional connections for bicyclists and pedestrians. This trail extends west along Lake Washington through Kenmore, Lake Forest Park, and the University of Washington Seattle campus to Lake Union, and south along the Sammamish Slough to Redmond, Marymoor Park, and Lake Sammamish. For trail details and maps, visit the King County Recreation website.

Bike lockers

Bike lockers are available in four locations on campus:

  • South of UW1
  • South of LBA
  • North of Library
  • UWBB

Bike lockers provide protection from the elements and security for your bike, helmet and other personal items. A Husky CardTM is required for bike locker rental.

To request a bike locker please complete the bike locker agreement and Commuter Services will contact you via email.

Bike racks

Bike racks are located close to the entrance of each building, along Campus Way, and on the Promenade near LBA.

Shower and locker facilities

Shower and locker facilities are located in UW1, UW2, Husky Hall and LBA. Use of facilities is free for faculty, staff, and students.

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