Spring 2025
View all of the UW Bothell course descriptions. Click on the description links below to get access to course descriptions and schedules for that academic program. View the General Student Catalog.
Jump to a section by clicking on a school, degree or program link.
Earth System Science
- Earth System Science (BEARTH) Description, Schedule
First Year & Pre-Major Program
- University Studies and Programs (B CORE) – Discovery Core Description, Schedule
- University Studies and Programs (B CUSP) – General education courses, prerequisites, and first year electives Description Schedule
- Japanese (BJAPAN) Description, Schedule
- Leadership (B LEAD) Description, Schedule
- Spanish (B SPAN) Description, Schedule
- Writing (B WRIT) Description, Schedule
School of Business
- Business (B BUS) Description, Schedule
- Business Economics (B BECN) Description, Schedule
- Business in Bellevue (ELCBUS) Description, Schedule
- Master of Business (B BUS) Description, Schedule
- Master of Business (B ACCT) Description, Schedule
- Master of Science in Accounting (B ACCT) Description, Schedule
- Master of Science in Accounting (B BUS) Description, Schedule
School of Educational Studies
- Education (BEDUC) Description, Schedule
- Master of Education (BEDUC) Description, Schedule
- Leadership Development for Educators (LEDE) Description, Schedule
School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
- Data Studies (B DATA) – Description, Schedule
- Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) Description, Schedule
- Interdisciplinary Study Skills (BISSKL) Description, Schedule
- American & Ethnic Studies (BISAES) Description, Schedule
- Culture, Literature, and the Arts (BISCLA) Description, Schedule
- Environmental Science (BES) Description, Schedule
- Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies (BISGWS) Description, Schedule
- Global Studies (BISGST) Description, Schedule
- Interdisciplinary Arts (BISIA) Description, Schedule
- Law, Economics, and Public Policy (BISLEP) Description, Schedule
- Media and Communication Studies (BISMCS) Description, Schedule
- Psychology (BISPSY) Description, Schedule
- Science, Technology, and Society (BISSTS) Description, Schedule
- Master of Policy Studies (BPOLST) Description, Schedule
- Master of Cultural Studies (BCULST) Description, Schedule
- Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and Poetics (BCWRIT) Description, Schedule
School of Nursing & Health Studies
- Health Electives (BHLTH) Description, Schedule
- Health Studies (BHS) Description, Schedule
- Nursing (BNURS) Description, Schedule
- Master of Community Health and Social Justice (BHS) Description, Schedule
- Master of Nursing (BNURS) Description, Schedule
School of Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics
- Science and Technology (BST) Description, Schedule
Division of Biological Sciences
- Biology (B BIO) Description, Schedule
Division of Computing & Software Systems
- Computing and Software Systems (CSS) Description, Schedule
- Computing and Software Systems Skills (CSSSKL) Description, Schedule
- Computing and Software Systems Skills- Fee Based (CSSSKL) Description, Schedule
- Computing and Software Systems Graduate courses- Fee Based (MCSS) Description, Schedule
- Computing and Software Systems Graduate courses (MCSS) Description, Schedule
Division of Engineering & Mathematics
- Computer Engineering (B CE) Description, Schedule
- Engineering (B ENGR) Description, Schedule
- Electrical Engineering (B EE) Description, Schedule
- Electrical Engineering- Fee Based (B EE) Description, Schedule
- Mathematics (B MATH) Description, Schedule
- Mathematics (STMATH) Description, Schedule
- Mechanical Engineering (B ME) Description, Schedule
Division of Physical Sciences
- Chemistry (B CHEM) Description, Schedule
- Physics (B PHYS) Description, Schedule