News from the School of Nursing & Health Studies
Accessing the global: New models for study abroad
“I believe that any investment we make in another country is of benefit to us, because of the way we are connected globally.” — Mabel Ezeonwu, associate professor, School of Nursing & Health Studies, UW Bothell
August 14, 2018
News on retirement-Linda Bale
Dean Dworkin's gratitude to SNHS staff member Linda Bale, MN Advisor "Linda Bale has worked for 28 years at University of Washington (Seattle and Bothell campuses) to support students and programs. I am saddened to now share that she is retiring as of July 6. This is a huge loss for the University of Washington System, for Bothell, and for the School of Nursing and Health Studies in particular. For the last 12 years, we in SNHS have had the honor of working with Linda, as the advisor of the MN program. Linda has brought such a warm, robust and meticulous dedication and commitment to her work, whether she was focused on direct advising and managing of the MN program, developing program capacity to serve more students, or coordinating and assessing curricula, among many other critical tasks. She has worked tirelessly for all of these years, contributing to the success of the newly created MN program at UWB in 2002 and then navigating program expansion…
August 8, 2018
Congratulations to our mentor award recipients
"Jody is an associate professor in the School of Nursing & Health Studies who views the student-faculty relationship as reciprocal and synergetic; they learn from each other. Most notably, she is helping the campus peer health educators with a health and wellness survey, participating in research to rehabilitate stroke patients and guiding students studying the use of mobile phones in promoting health. She co-authors papers and presentations with students, and has seen some become professors and mentors themselves."
August 8, 2018
Finding One’s Own Voice
"...Know what you know and care about the person, care about what you know and care about the person you're sharing with." Maya Angelou Professor Victoria Breckwich Vasquez and Dennise Lopez share a mentorship bond through SNHS Health Studies Latinx Health and Culture class, which grew into more opportunities for Dennise.
August 8, 2018
MN degree lights new path for cancer nurse
"Coumar received the School of Nursing & Health Studies’ Distinguished Scholar Award at graduation in June. She’s now looking for a bigger role in promoting nursing professionalism and global health. The master’s helped clarify the path."
August 8, 2018
Team Guatemala Departs
Students in the Guatemala study abroad program left on July 27. Team Guatemala will engage in primary health care and work side by side multidisciplinary teams, including Guatemala Village Health team and local Guatemalan health practitioners to support the health needs of the community.
July 30, 2018
Students engage with Latino community
School of Nursing and Health Studies actively involve working with the Latinx community by supporting and working with Latino Educational Training Institute (LETI) through community-based learning and research course . "Rosario Reyes founded LETI nearly 20 years ago when she saw the demand for education and social services while working to promote Latino entrepreneurs. Tom Laing became associate director three years ago. The former accountant runs programs and applies for grants..."
July 17, 2018
Bridging the nursing gap for better outcomes
UWB School of Nursing and Health Studies continues in guiding nurses to be prepared in bridging the gap in the nurse profession and increasing the nurse workforce. UWB highlighting Samantha Girard "...a nurse educator for Kaiser Permanente in Washington, said her Master of Nursing degree from the University of Washington Bothell in 2010 put her in a position to have an impact on the profession at a time nurses are being pushed hard to advance their education." Learn more about Samantha.
July 17, 2018
Master of Nursing Final Presentation Symposium 2018
We are proud to present the first annual Master of Nursing Final Presentation Symposium. We invite faculty, staff, students and their guests to join us as our Master of Nursing students present the culmination of their work at the University of Washington Bothell.
May 30, 2018
Husky Promise helps hard-working student
Read more about Erika Armengol's story of persevance and being awarded finanical aid package along with additional grants to support her college education.
March 20, 2018