Academic Standards

Students are expected to meet the traditional standards of honesty and truthfulness in all aspects of their academic work at UW Bothell. In particular, all work submitted to an instructor in fulfillment of course assignments, including papers and projects, written and oral examinations, and oral presentations and reports, must be free of plagiarism. Plagiarism is using the creations, ideas, or words of someone else without formally acknowledging the author or source, through appropriate use of quotation marks, references, and the like. Student work in which plagiarism occurs will not ordinarily be accepted as satisfactory by the instructor and may lead to disciplinary action against the student submitting it. Any student who is uncertain whether his or her use of the work of others constitutes plagiarism should consult the course instructor for guidance before formally submitting the course work involved.

Academic Standing- undergraduates

Academic Alert

An undergraduate student whose GPA falls below 2.00 in his or her first quarter at the University receives an academic alert. If a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00 for courses earned in residence at the University is not achieved by the end of the next quarter, he or she is placed on academic warning.

Academic Warning and Academic Drop

An undergraduate student is placed on academic warning at the end of any quarter (except for the first quarter at the University, when an academic alert is issued) in which their cumulative GPA falls below 2.00. The student remains on academic warning until the cumulative GPA is raised to at least 2.00. If this requires more than one quarter’s work, the student must maintain a quarterly GPA of at least 2.00 each succeeding quarter or the student is put on academic drop.


A student who has been dropped under academic drop rules is readmitted to the University only at the discretion of the dean of the school to which readmission is sought. A student readmitted after being dropped under these rules re-enters on academic warning. The student’s GPA is the same as when dropped from the University, and the student may not use grades from other colleges or universities to raise their UW GPA. A readmitted student is dropped if he or she fails to attain either a 2.00 GPA for the following quarter’s work or a cumulative UW GPA of 2.00 at the end of that quarter. The student is removed from academic warning at the end of the quarter in which a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or better is reached.

Senior in Final Quarter

A senior who has completed the required number of credits for graduation, but whose work in what would normally be his or her final quarter places him or her on academic warning, does not receive a degree until removed from academic warning. A senior who has completed the required number of credits for graduation, but whose work during the last quarter results in his or her being dropped with the academic drop, does not receive a degree until readmitted and removed from academic warning.

Quarterly Dean’s List- undergraduates

The quarterly Dean’s list includes the names of matriculated undergraduate students who are pursuing their first undergraduate degree and have attained a quarterly GPA of 3.50 in the final grades for at least 12 numerically graded credits. S/NS and CR/NC courses do not count as graded credits.

Students are notified of their quarterly Dean’s List standing via email and appropriate entries are made on the student’s permanent academic record.

The Quarterly Dean’s List website is updated quarterly and lists those students included on the previous quarter’s Dean’s List. Only students who have authorized the release of Student Directory Information appear on the Quarterly Dean’s List website.

Annual Dean’s list- undergraduates

The Annual Dean’s List award is received on the academic transcript of students who have achieved the following:

  • A cumulative grade-point average of 3.50 in at least three quarters of the academic year (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring)
  • 12 graded credits or more for each of the three quarters, exclusive of Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory (S/ NS) and Credit/No Credit-only (C/NC) courses.
  • Students who have attended the UW four quarters of the school year (Summer through Spring) must have a grade-point average of 3.50 for each of any three quarters, a minimum of 12 graded credits (exclusive of S/NS and C/NC courses) for each of the three quarters, and a cumulative GPA of 3.50 for the four quarters.

Academic standing – graduates

Performance and progress in the fulfillment of degree program requirements as outlined in the graduate program’s documentation distributed to students upon enrollment.

A minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 is required to earn a graduate degree, and a minimum of 2.7 is required in each course that is counted toward graduate degree requirements. The GPA for graduate students is calculated entirely on the basis of numeric grades in 400- and 500-level courses, see Scholastic Regulations 110.