News Stories by Date

A complete list of stories featured in News from UW Bothell, filterable by date.

8 results based on your selection

New building builds STEM workforce 

Innovation Hall will expand opportunities for student learning and research and will help meet the ever-growing need for STEM graduates in Washington state.

November 30, 2023

Minding test anxiety 

Combining different practices, a cross-disciplinary team of students developed a mindfulness recording to help reduce stress during exams.

November 30, 2023

Rising by lifting others 

Shanell Brown noticed disparities in reproductive health while studying for her Master’s in Nursing — then founded a nonprofit organization to alleviate some of the inequities.

November 17, 2023

Knowledge takes flight 

Not just for the birds: A Discovery Core class shows students that birdwatching can benefit them both personally and professionally.

November 3, 2023