Investment Fund
2025-27 Biennium process & guidelines
UW Bothell has set up an Investment Fund of $2 million for the 2025-27 biennium. This resource will be used to fund a broad range of projects developed by academic and administrative units across UW Bothell for up to two years.
To ensure that we can fund multiple projects, project requests should be in the range of $100,000 to $500,000 per project for the biennium. Fully developed proposals will be evaluated by the Chancellor’s Executive Team (CET). Final funding approvals will be made by the chancellor.
Funding priorities
Proposals with the best chance of receiving funding are those that will have the greatest campuswide impact on supporting UW Bothell’s mission, strengthening the sustainability of our infrastructure and advancing our strategic priorities. Collaborative and/or cross-divisional projects are strongly encouraged.
Priorities for funding in this cycle (in no particular order) include:
- Bridge funding that allows schools to diversify academic program offerings to meet regional workforce needs by providing pathways (beyond what we currently offer) to in-demand careers within our region. Cross-school programs will be given preference.
- Projects that enhance our ability to offer high-quality hybrid, hi-flex and distance learning.
- Projects that enhance the student experience, including residential and commuter students.
- Projects that enhance the employee experience and employee well-being.
- Projects that enhance our capacity to create a more inclusive, welcoming environment for students, staff and/or faculty.
- Projects that enhance sustainability efforts on campus.
Working timeline
Feb. 6, 2025: Deadline for submitting letter of intent
Feb. 19, 2025: CET review completed; invitations to submit a full proposal
March 21, 2025: Deadline for submitting full proposal
April 11, 2025: CET review completed; additional information requested, if any
Mid-May 2025: Funding announcements (with feedback to unsuccessful requests)
July 1, 2025-June 30, 2027: Funding availability period
Sept. 15, 2025: Deadline for funded projects to submit detailed expenditure plan and timeline
Dec. 31, 2025: Deadline for first progress report for funded projects
June 30, 2026: Deadline for second progress report for funded projects
Dec. 31, 2026: Deadline for third progress report for funded projects
July 1, 2027: Deadline for final report for funded projects
Letter of intent
A letter of intent should be prepared using the letter of intent template and submitted to the Office of the Chancellor by email at with a copy to the vice chancellor(s) sponsoring the proposed project. The letter of intent should provide a short abstract of the proposed project, the strategic priority or need it seeks to address, proposed budget and timeline. All letters of intent must be approved by the appropriate dean(s) or unit head(s) and by the vice chancellor(s) sponsoring the proposal prior to submission. The deadline for submitting a letter of intent is Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025.
Full proposal
Letters of intent will be reviewed by CET, and applicants will be notified by no later than Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025, as to whether they should submit a full proposal. A full proposal should be prepared using the proposal template and submitted to the Office of the Chancellor by email at with a copy to the vice chancellor(s) sponsoring the proposal. The proposal should not exceed five pages (excluding signature pages and appendices). The deadline for submitting a full proposal is Friday, March 21, 2025.
Prioritization criteria
Not in any order of weight or preference:
- Alignment with campus priorities as outlined above
- Feasibility of proposal and measurable success as detailed in the action plan
- Financial self-sufficiency post investment fund, where appropriate
- Commitment and investment of the proposing unit
- Creation of operational efficiencies
- Support for the UW Bothell Collaboration Principles
- Balance of investments/funding across different campus units
Limitations and restrictions
- The Investment Fund is based on temporary funding, and project expenditures should be completed during the 2025-27 biennium. Therefore, successful recipients cannot use awards for permanent positions (unless there is an acceptable sustainability plan).
- If investment funds are sought for projects that will extend beyond the biennium, a plan for transitioning to financial self-sufficiency must be provided.
- Unused funds must be returned to the Investment Fund and should not be diverted to other uses (unless explicitly authorized by the chancellor).
- Project reports will be due and reviewed on a half-yearly schedule. If reports are not submitted on time, funding may be withdrawn.
Funding allocation details
To ensure the availability of funding for multiple projects, project requests should be in the range of $100,000 to $500,000 per project.
All allocated funds for the project should be expended in the 2025-27 biennium. Funds not used in the 2025-27 biennium will be returned to the Investment Fund pool, unless a carryover is explicitly authorized by the chancellor.
If a project is funded, a detailed expenditure plan and timeline must be submitted to the Office of the Chancellor by email at with a copy to the vice chancellor sponsor(s) as soon as possible and in any event before Sept. 15, 2025.
The expenditure plan should have details of proposed expenditures (stipends/salaries, equipment purchases, travel and operational expenses). The funded unit will be responsible for expending the funds as planned, following appropriate UW procedures. Half-yearly reports should provide comparisons of budgeted and actual expenditures.
Project reports
The project leads for funded projects must submit progress reports on a half-yearly schedule (Dec. 31, 2025; June 30, 2026; and Dec. 31, 2026), with a final report due on July 1, 2027, at the conclusion of the project. Report templates will be provided by email from the Office of the Chancellor. Completed reports should be reviewed and approved by the appropriate vice chancellor sponsor(s) prior to submission to the Office of the Chancellor by email at with a copy to the vice chancellor sponsor(s).