Writing Council

Mission & organization

The Writing Council aims to create effective writing pathways for students throughout the entirety of their UW Bothell experience. The Writing Council supports the thoughtful and consistent integration of writing across the curriculum, from the first-year to the graduate level.

The Council aims to strengthen the campus-wide culture of writing and communication through fostering connections across Schools and expanding opportunities for student learning and faculty development. The Council provides guidance to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs on curricular issues pertaining to the teaching and learning of writing.

Responsibilities of the Council include:

  • Proposing initiatives and policy changes that will strengthen UW Bothell’s ability to meet the undergraduate learning goal of “proficiency in communication including writing, speaking, and fluency in a range of media and genres”
  • Enhancing lines of communication among units in order to achieve consistency and coordination in writing instruction across the curriculum
  • Aligning writing pedagogy across the Schools with UW Bothell’s strategic priority to strengthen diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Supporting effective pedagogy for “W” courses, such as identifying and disseminating evidence-based approaches to writing instruction and promoting professional development opportunities
  • Promoting writing across the curriculum (WAC) and writing in the disciplines (WID) practices including writing-to-learn strategies and genre-specific norms
  • Recommending ad hoc subcommittees to address specific issues related to writing pedagogy as needed
  • Liaising with the Writing and Communication Center (WaCC), the First-Year Composition program, the Campus Library, the General Faculty Organization, the ASUWB Student Advisory Council (ASAC), and other stakeholders
  • Contributing to campus-wide assessment planning for student learning in writing and communication

Council membership

  • Anthony Smith, Education Studies, (Chair)
  • Eric Echols, IAS, WaCC
  • Leslie Hurst, Library
  • Silvia Ferreira, FYPP
  • Laurie Anderson, STEM
  • Kristin Gustafson, IAS
  • Laura Umetsu, Business
  • Deborah Hathaway, L&T
  • Clay Schwenn, SNHS

Logistical support from Elizabeth Daly and Richie Meyer, Office of Student Academic Success