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Student Islamophobia video goes viral
A UW Bothell class that produced a video as a final project and a statement against Islamophobia saw it go viral on Facebook. “Shoulder to Shoulder” was posted Wednesday on the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences page and by Friday morning it had more than 88,000 views.
December 16, 2016
Apply, nominate students for Husky 100
The University of Washington is accepting nominations and applications for the second Husky 100 – exceptional students who make the most of opportunities for engagement and represent the University’s values.
December 16, 2016
Core class supports Dreamers
A Discovery Core class held a support of Dreamers event Tuesday in the Activities and Recreation Center. It provided information about the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act and supported undocumented students at risk of possible deportation under a new federal administration.
December 7, 2016
Students publish, broadcast
University of Washington Bothell’s Husky Herald newspaper, Clamor literary journal and UWave radio are all produced and edited by students with faculty advice and distributed free to the campus community.
November 17, 2016
Keeping Anna Bui’s aspirations alive
The family of Anna Bui is starting an endowment fund to honor the memory of the University of Washington Bothell student who was fatally shot last summer at a gathering in Mukilteo.
November 16, 2016
Donors give back to unique seminar
One of the longest running courses at the University of Washington Bothell – the annual weeklong human rights seminar in Washington, D.C. – is even better thanks to alumni who experienced the trip and now support its impact.
November 3, 2016
How I found my career path
Working as an assistant career adviser at UW Bothell led Markus J. Smith to a job with Seattle City Light and a career goal in human resources. Now he’s on the other side of the table at career fairs, handing out information and advising applicants.
October 28, 2016
The many benefits of student clubs
After he transferred to UW Bothell, Intale Shuba joined the Black Student Union and found a community of like-minded people. Now he’s president. Student clubs provide opportunities for leadership, networking and digging deeper into academic topics.
October 28, 2016
Debate team winning awards, making news
The University of Washington Bothell’s Speech and Debate Team has had top performers in two debate tournaments this fall. Meanwhile, Director of Forensics Denise Vaughan attracted KING TV’s attention for coverage of the vice presidential and presidential debates.
October 28, 2016
Powerful experience in Sardinia
Study abroad students from the University of Washington Bothell flew into the headlines of a global story when they visited Sardinia as the Italian island in the Mediterranean dealt with newly arrived migrants seeking asylum.
October 14, 2016
Celebrate Together on Husky W Day
W Day on Friday celebrates what the University of Washington means for students, alumni and the wider community.
October 13, 2016
Transformational learning: class inside prison
Since Gary Carpenter started teaching art classes at UW Bothell in 2011 he’s brought in homeless people, visited a tent city and held classes inside the Monroe prison – experiences that lead to a different view of the world, privilege and social inequity.
October 13, 2016