News Stories by Topic

A complete list of stories featured in News from UW Bothell.

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UW Bothell students share in physics discovery

Two University of Washington Bothell students shared the excitement of making major astronomical discoveries this summer using the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO), which recently won a Nobel Prize for its three founders.

October 13, 2017

$460,000 scanning microscope for high-level research

UW Bothell researchers won $460,000 from the National Science Foundation for a scanning electron microscope that can see objects as small as one nanometer — a billionth of an inch. A piece of paper is about 100,000 nanometers thick.

September 29, 2017

Partnership helps students, homeless

UW Bothell students connect their education to the community through the University’s partnership with Cocoon House, an Everett teen shelter.

September 29, 2017

Cybersecurity month raises awareness

As the federal Department of Homeland Security raises awareness in October about online threats, the University of Washington Bothell has a range of activities arising from its expertise in cybersecurity, particularly workforce development and policy.

September 28, 2017

New approaches to philanthropy

The UW Bothell School of Business hosted about 30 participants at the first Accelerating Social Transformation institute to explore new approaches to philanthropy.

September 22, 2017

UW Bothell welcomes diverse businesses

UW Bothell held its first Business Diversity Program Small Business Fair on Sept. 5. The University encourages local businesses — especially those owned by women, minorities and veterans — to serve as vendors for its office supplies, catering, awards, flowers, photography and other goods and services.

September 11, 2017

Internship impact: Experiential learning

The School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences internship course BIS 495 Worlds of Work allows students to apply their skills in a professional environment where they can look at a possible career. Meet some of the students in the summer class.

September 11, 2017

Amazing skills in virtual reality summer camp

Some of the same concepts in virtual reality (VR) that took a UW Bothell team to the national finals of Microsoft’s Imagine Cup were introduced to middle school students at Pacific Science Center summer camps taught by computer science and education majors.

August 16, 2017

Designing their own health studies experience

The assignment that students created for themselves in BHLTH 498B Latinx Community Engagement and Assessment was to report on needed health services for UW Bothell students. The class was distinguished by how the research was developed, organized and implemented.

August 16, 2017

Bothell and the University are in this place together

The University of Washington Bothell and the city of Bothell both share space in the fast-growing Lake Washington watershed. University researchers who are in a unique position to monitor changes will share their insights this fall in a series of free public presentations called Campus Research Connections.

August 16, 2017

MAPS attracts, builds strong cohort network

Many of the students entering the UW Bothell Master of Arts in policy studies (MAPS) program already share a network of friendships and experiences in congressional offices that make them stand out. They expect the MAPS degree will help move them into careers where they can have an even greater impact.

August 16, 2017