News Stories by Topic

A complete list of stories featured in News from UW Bothell.

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Students share their priorities with lawmakers

UW Bothell students would like the Legislature to advance plans for a new academic building on campus. Student leaders shared their priorities with three local lawmakers at a Jan. 3 legislative send-off.

January 5, 2018

‘Amazing’ help for Marine mom’s nonprofit

All the marketing advice and connections provided by a UW Bothell faculty member were “amazing,” says the founder of the Lion Heart Foundation, which encourages the military to detect heart problems like the one that took the life of her Marine son.

January 5, 2018

Creating social marketing for community partner

UW Bothell students gave Arcora, a dental health foundation, some creative ideas for a social media marketing campaign targeted at improving the health of pregnant women and new mothers.

December 20, 2017

Students introduce young pupils to coding

The kids in an after-school YMCA program at Sand Point Elementary in Seattle learn programming from UW Bothell computer science students who, in return, learn something about teaching.

December 20, 2017

Local legislators discuss upcoming session

The state lawmakers for Washington District 1, which includes Bothell and surrounding areas, will discuss the 2018 session at a send-off Jan. 3 at the University of Washington Bothell / Cascadia College campus.

December 19, 2017

Putting nursing knowledge into practice

Working nurses in the RN to BSN program at the UW Bothell School of Nursing & Health Studies showed how research could be translated into practice during a presentation for Providence Regional Medical Center Everett.

December 7, 2017

Multiple benefits of lawmakers on campus

UW Bothell invites a number of lawmakers each year to speak to classes. For state legislators such as Rep. Roger Goodman, speaking is a two-way street. They share their insights, and they learn something from students in return.

December 4, 2017

Developing a cybersecurity knowledge network

The severity of cybersecurity threats, the range of targets and the need for skilled professionals was clear at a symposium on energy workforce cybersecurity attended by Sen. Maria Cantwell Nov. 17 at the University of Washington Bothell.

November 27, 2017

Fellowships promote community-based learning

Now in its 12th year, the community-based learning and research (CBLR) fellowship program is part of UW Bothell's commitment to connected learning and community engagement. This academic year, eight faculty members received support.

November 22, 2017

Salmon in society: biology, history, law

Through field trips in western Washington and projects in the UW Bothell wetlands, the Salmon and Society course explores salmon from biological, cultural and legal perspectives. Students meet state and tribal resource managers, politicians and riverfront homeowners.

November 9, 2017

Cantwell at energy cybersecurity symposium

Sen. Maria Cantwell is participating in a symposium on cybersecurity Nov. 17 at the University of Washington Bothell in Discovery Hall. The symposium brings together experts from the government, private sector, utilities, military and academia to discuss defense against cyber-attacks.

November 8, 2017