News Stories by Topic

A complete list of stories featured in News from UW Bothell.

209 results based on your selection

UW Bothell engineers respond to COVID-19

Mechanical engineering graduates from the University of Washington Bothell are helping Ventec Life Systems meet the challenge of vastly multiplying production of ventilators, which support life for people in advanced respiratory distress from COVID-19.

May 13, 2020

Writers of UW Bothell come together

Two graduate students and one alumna from the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences have created a quarterly reading event that aims to connect current and past students of the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing & Poetics program.

May 8, 2020

Pandemic shortens Fulbright research in Namibia

Making the most of her time, Mariah Crystal (Master of Arts in Policy Studies ’10) was able to conduct much of her Fulbright research in Namibia before she was told to return home because of the coronavirus pandemic.

April 29, 2020

UW Bothell influences Monroe School District

Two principals and five assistant principals in the Monroe School District are graduates of the University of Washington Bothell’s Leadership Development for Educators program, which alumna Fredrika Smith helped to found.

April 29, 2020

Better Native American health through research

Abigail Echo-Hawk (American Studies ’07, Master of Arts in Policy Studies ’09) directs data collection and evaluation for the Urban Indian Health Institute, a tribal epidemiology center with a national scope.

April 8, 2020

Entrepreneuring graduate leads biotech firm

Adina Mangubat, co-founder and CEO of the Seattle biotechnology firm Spiral Genetics, said an entrepreneurship course at the University of Washington Bothell made her realize she could create something on her own and make a difference in the world.

March 25, 2020

Improving global health one app at a time

Studying for his MBA at the University of Washington Bothell gave Travis Muhlstein the inspiration to create Benessere, a nonprofit that uses mobile devices and applications to drive down the cost of health care across the world.

February 19, 2020

Invest in yourself with accounting master’s

As an accounting hiring manager for a company, Howard Snow wondered: Would he hire himself? Snow decided to expand his tool set with a Master of Science in Accounting from UW Bothell.

February 13, 2020

Finding a home on campus

As a first-generation student, a Native American experiencing homelessness and a single mother, Maizy Brown faced many obstacles, but the professors at UW Bothell “made me feel like I deserved to be there,” says the 2011 graduate of the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences.

January 23, 2020

STEM alum influences future engineers

Eric Chen (Computing & Software Systems ’05) works as a software engineer lead at Microsoft and contributes to the UW Bothell scholarship fund because he knows financial aid helps students focus on their education.

January 8, 2020