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A complete list of stories featured in News from UW Bothell.

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Cybersecurity burgeoning across disciplines

The Center for Information Assurance and Cybersecurity has found a home at the University of Washington Bothell that shares a commitment to approach questions from multiple perspectives. At its first Bothell event, CIAC presenters said cybersecurity has grown beyond a technical problem to encompass issues affecting law, finance, economics, ethics and society.

October 26, 2016

Leading in online international learning

Collaborative Online International Learning is a specialty at UW Bothell, using video conferencing and social media to share classes in different countries. Students can have a virtual overseas experience and decide if they want to study abroad in person by taking a COIL class.

October 21, 2016

Connecting wetlands to the world

A small herbarium has sprouted at the Sarah Simonds Green Conservatory. It provides a critical authoritative record of plants in the 58-acre UW Bothell wetland and is a resource for students and researchers worldwide.

October 21, 2016

Chancellor shares priorities at town hall

In his fall town hall meeting, Chancellor Wolf Yeigh shared UW Bothell's priorities for the 2016-2017 academic year: diversity, campus sustainability and a bold fundraising campaign.

October 21, 2016

Brace for Oct. 20 earthquake drill

The University of Washington Bothell is participating in Thursday's ShakeOut earthquake drill with announcements over the fire alarm PA system, UW Alert test and ALERTUS desktop notifications. At 10:20 a.m. practice “drop, cover and hold on.”

October 18, 2016

Powerful experience in Sardinia

Study abroad students from the University of Washington Bothell flew into the headlines of a global story when they visited Sardinia as the Italian island in the Mediterranean dealt with newly arrived migrants seeking asylum.

October 14, 2016

Transformational learning: class inside prison

Since Gary Carpenter started teaching art classes at UW Bothell in 2011 he’s brought in homeless people, visited a tent city and held classes inside the Monroe prison – experiences that lead to a different view of the world, privilege and social inequity.

October 13, 2016

Self-driving bikes could move the world

With help from Amazon Catalyst, UW Bothell faculty member Tyler Folsom is leading a group of students working to develop self-driving bicycles. Costing far less than a self-driving car, autonomous bikes could improve traffic safety, speed up urban transportation and save energy, reducing climate change.

October 11, 2016

Easy entry for teens into Seattle arts scene

The best bargain on arts tickets for teens in the Seattle area just got better. A team led by University of Washington Bothell students developed an iOS app for TeenTix, the nonprofit that makes $5 day-of-show tickets available to teens.

October 10, 2016