Heuving wins faculty achievement award

drsca award

Jeanne Heuving, professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, is the recipient of the University of Washington Bothell 2017 Distinguished Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Award.

Heuving has made significant contributions to her field, the University and her students, said Chancellor Wolf Yeigh.

“Dr. Heuving’s achievements in scholarship and creativity give students an example and mentoring that encourages their own innovation, collaborative learning and discovery,” Yeigh said.

Heuving led the effort to create the Master of Fine Arts in creative writing and poetics and now directs the program. She begins each year with a Fall Convergence symposium. She spearheads MFA salons multiple times a year to showcase readings from UW Bothell thesis works. Heuving also initiated Clamor, the campus literary and arts journal, and oversaw it through its first few years.

Her books include “The Transmutation of Love and Avant-Garde Poetics” (2016) and “Incapacity” (2004). She has shared her work nationally and internationally through readings and editing projects.
Joining UW Bothell in 1990, Heuving’s classes have included “Languages of Poetry,” “Women and American Literature: Between Sincerity and Masquerade,” and “Literature and Sexuality.”

"The fruition of scholarly research and creative endeavor is often a slow and demanding process,” Heuving said. “I feel honored to receive this award amongst so many diligent and deserving faculty members at UWB."

Now in its fourth year, the Distinguished Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Award is presented to a UW Bothell faculty member in recognition of scholarly or creative achievement that exemplifies the standards of excellence that are required by the research intensive education environment of UW Bothell.

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