University of Washington Bothell School of Educational Studies faculty members Allison Hintz and Antony Smith are part of a team that has been awarded an Early Learning Grant from the Boeing Corporation.
The initial $100,000 grant will support Partnerships in Early Learning – a project focused on creating opportunities for cross-disciplinary (math, literacy, and science) collaboration in early learning. In its first year, the project will design, develop, and pilot resources for early learning educators in and out of school. In year two, these resources would be implemented in school and out-of-school settings.
Partnerships for Early Learning is a new project of INSPIRE, the UW College of Education's effort to advance student learning by designing and implementing systems, resources, and professional development opportunities for and with teachers and school leaders.
Partnerships for Early Learning will develop learning experiences that connect across traditional disciplinary boundaries in order to support children to build 21st century skills.
To better prepare students to face the risks of the digital world, UW Bothell recently launched a minor in Cybersecurity geared toward students in all disciplines.