Stephen Jones

Associate Professor and Area Coordinator of Management and Organization (M&O)
UW Bothell School of Business
(425) 352-3764

Professor Stephen Jones

About Dr. Jones

Dr. Stephen Jones is an Associate Professor of Management. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management. He joined UW Bothell’s faculty in 2018.

His research explores the contours of trust, conflict and collaboration within and between organizations. His trust research illuminates how interpersonal trust develops, particularly within a network of social relationships. His award-winning research on conflict offers a new way to think about the origins and evolution of conflict in groups. And his research in the telecommunications sector offers insights into how firms have collaborated to create 3G, 4G and 5G technologies. His work is published in premier scientific journals, including Administrative Science Quarterly, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Organization Science.

Dr. Jones teaches Strategic Management to undergraduate and MBA students. Undergrads in his course engage in a quarter-long simulation running their own firms and managing all aspects of their businesses. MBA students engage in quarter-long client projects helping companies solve real strategic problems. He received the Undergraduate and MBA Faculty of the Year Teaching Awards in 2021.

Selected publications

Jones SL, Leiponen A, and Vasudeva G. 2021. The evolution of cooperation in the face of conflict: Evidence from the innovation ecosystem for mobile telecom standards development. Strategic Management Journal, 42(4), 710–740.

Shah PP, Peterson RS, Jones SL, Ferguson AJ. 2021. Things are not always what they seem: The origins and evolution of intragroup conflict. Administrative Science Quarterly, 66(2), 426–474.

Jones SL and Shah PP. 2021. The tangled ties of trust: A social network perspective on interpersonal trust. In Gillespie N, Fulmer A, and Lewicki R (eds.), Understanding trust in organizations: A multilevel perspective. Routledge: New York.

Maloney MM, Shah PP, Zellmer-Bruhn M, and Jones SL. 2019. The lasting benefits of teams: Tie vitality after teams disband. Organization Science, 30(2), 260–279.

Jones SL and Shah PP. 2016. Diagnosing the locus of trust: A temporal perspective for trustor, trustee, and dyadic Influences on perceived trustworthiness. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(3), 392–414.

Vasudeva G, Alexander EA, and Jones SL. 2015. Institutional logics and inter-organizational learning in technological arenas: Evidence from standard setting organizations in the mobile handset industry. Organization Science, 26(3), 830–846.

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