2024 (un)Gala raises money for business students 

Supporters of UW Bothell’s School of Business joined together on April 25 for the 8th annual (un)Gala, raising more than $100,000 for students. Money raised from the event will go toward Business School scholarships and high-impact learning activities such as employer site visits and the hosting of industry professionals on campus. 

Members of the School of Business community were at the center of the lively fundraiser. Albert Jalso of Russell Investments emceed and chaired the event. Karishma Sharma who graduated with a Business Administration degree in 2016 was the keynote speaker. Angelina Ly, who will graduate with the same degree in June 2024, was the featured student speaker.  

Interim Dean Rajib Sanyal spoke about the great impact of the School of Business and recognized the many members of the faculty in attendance. The bidding on various auction items during the event was competitive, but all in good fun for a great cause.  

Building a business community 

Sharma spoke to all those gathered about how her time at UW Bothell helped her grow in confidence and find a community. “I went from feeling I wasn’t good enough,” she said, “to feeling that I could take on the world.” 

“This wasn’t just about my grades. This wasn’t just about school. My time at UW Bothell changed the way I viewed myself,” Sharma said. “Once I graduated in 2016, I found I already had a ton of business experience and a supportive network. UW Bothell had become my village.” 

Her UW Bothell village helped start her career at Microsoft where she now works as a professional storyteller and writer. After working on an initiative called AI for Earth, during which Sharma gave a presentation to CEO Satya Nadella, she was inspired to start Washington’s first forest farm along with her brother. Her interest in farming can be traced back to her time at UW Bothell, where she remembers snipping kale from the gardens, along with her family history of heritage farming in the Punjab, India. 

To finish her keynote speech, Sharma shared her experiences as a mentor in the School of Business’s Mentorship EDGE program. “Talking to my mentees, I see that UW Bothell has prepared these students to take on the world as it is today,” she said. “These students are smart, driven, and will one day be sitting in this room as you all are — as the leaders of their respective industries.” 

One of those students is Angelina Ly. 

Growing as an entrepreneur 

Ly says that at UW Bothell, she gained new skills that applied to her business, Fireflyslime. Before enrolling at UW Bothell, Ly was already a successful entrepreneur. She started selling slime as a 14-year-old where she used her creativity to create different styles of slime which she showcased on social media. She was self-taught, learning every aspect of running a business by herself, but she also knew she would benefit from being surrounded by people who could help her gain more business skills. 

“Coming from a family that had to navigate the challenges of immigrating from Vietnam, pursuing entrepreneurship or even business wasn’t a familiar path, so there were many times when I felt as though I was on my own,” Ly said. “That’s why when it came time to choose a university, I was drawn to UW Bothell. With most of my family being UW alums, I felt a sense of familiarity and connection with the university. Additionally, I knew that UW Bothell’s School of Business offered the guidance and resources I needed to succeed.” 

Ly pushed herself to make the most of her college experience while her business continued to grow. “I went from never speaking up in class to being able to stand in front of you all today. It wasn’t always easy, and there were moments of doubt and imposter syndrome, but, with each small step, I grew more confident and capable.” 

Ly, who is graduating in June 2024, saw the potential for the (un)GALA to support other students just like her. In gratitude, guests at the event were given a special treat, a slime goody bag. “There are a lot of students like me at UW Bothell,” Ly said. “Students with big dreams who just need a little push and guidance to achieve those dreams. For a lot of us, we started from scratch, without much help from our parents. That’s why your support is so important.” 

You can help fund the big dreams of more students like Angelina by making a gift to the UW Bothell’s School of Business. Click here to give now.